29 Temmuz 2011 Cuma

a few discoveries

I feel another Harry Potter book marathon on the way. Last night and today I've spent countless hours (and I'm not ashamed to admit it obviously) on JK Rowling's official site, clicking on various things, trying to find the hidden stuff. Here's how I did so far:

On the "links" page (when you click on the glasses on the homepage) there's a book with a "?" in the cover. Slide it to the left and voila there's a key! Use it on the box on the right and you will unlock a page about the Sorting Hat. Also if you wait on this page long enough, the photo frame on the left will fall down and you'll see Harry's scar on the paper behind it. As shown in the capture, obviously.

My second discovery was on my favorite page, the study of Rowling (the one you go by clicking on the eraser). Arrange the time on the hourglass as shown in the capture (13/06/07 for ones who are too lazy to click on a damn pic!) and click on the hourglass. The door is locked, right? Wrong! You'll notice that annoying fly that goes around the room doesn't move anywhere, hmm suspicious! Click on it and there appears a key! Open the door, arrange the bits on the paper so that it'll make the Deathly Hallows Symbol and click on it. Now you can take your W.O.M.B.A.T test! Though I haven't done that yet, it says it'll take 35 minutes, geez!

Eek, while writing this entry this happened on the page I just told you about.Hellooo Peeves!

Another one, though this is a bit incomplete. Go to the "Extra Stuff" page (the hairbrush) and pick up the eraser on the board and hover it over the partially torn page, you will see a few items appear on the page. I have found 3 of them around the site. The leaves are behind the partially torn page, the bottle is on the links page on the book shelf and the spider keeps crawling around on the homepage, I caught it on the newspaper. Haven't found the feather so I don't know what this does, but still cool!

And while I was writing this the phone on the homepage rang, I answered and someone said "Hello, hello, is anyone there?" then hung up.

And I've just completed the incomplete one I just wrote and found another one! Alright, the feather is on the "Fan Sites" page (the paper clip) on the shelf. Upon clicking on all four objects you get the first typed manuscript of the Philosopher's Stone! (though I can't see it yet, something's up with my pop-up blocker damn!)

This is just to prove that I did actually get it heh heh.

Staying on the "Fan Sites" page you will see empty spaces in front of the trophies, with a "?" marked plates next to them, place the "?" plates (there are two, next to each other) on the empty spaces and you will get a drawing of the midnight duel of Draco and Harry (and Dean too, though I still can't see this blah!)

And the last one! This isn't a new discovery though, I've done this years ago but still. Go to Rowling's study again (the eraser). And arrange the hourglass so it shows 20/12/04 and click on the hourglass.This is the page you get. The door appears to be locked again. But notice on the mirror that it's open and a Xmas tree is inside. So instead of clicking on the door, click on the image of it on the mirror. This will close the image of the door while unlocking the door. Cool!

So this is how your page looks now. Click on the presents and they will ask you 3 riddles and 3 questions about Harry Potter (they are kinda tough ones too!) This is actually how the name of the 6th book was first announced. So the answers of the riddles are "Half", "Blood" and "Prince". The answers of character questions are: Don't read this if you wanna solve it yourself, don't say I didn't warn you!!

Corned Beef, is Ron's least favorite sandwich filling
Otter, the form of Hermione's patronus
Bristol, the city one-year-old Harry Potter fall asleep over

Upon answering all questions, the star on top of the tree will light up and now you can click on the card with the star symbol on it to read a Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year wish from Rowling herself.

Well that's it! That's how many I've found without checking it up on the net. I'm sure this has been done before but I had fun so whatevs!

And before I go I would like to say a few words: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you..

3 yorum:

  1. how long has this site been up for? no new features? nothing to do with pottermore?

  2. it is mentioned on the news section, but Pottermore isn't up yet so who knows, maybe new stuff will appear on the site too..

  3. she should sit down and write something totally new instead of dragging Potterverse~


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