22 Şubat 2013 Cuma

monthly favorites startiiiing... now! January.

Hey there my ever neglected blog!

"What's up?" you say? Hmm. Not much dearie, not much. Just that for the past two months I've been reading like a book-starved maniac.Goodreads has become my new-old best friend. Though wish I could say quality over quantity, sadly that's not really the case.

I've realized I come running to the msn (and yes I know, I could be the only one left in the planet to still use that old thing) in search of my friend Merve everytime I finish something that I think is spectacular, so that I can bash it into her head and not leave her alone till she reads it too.

And I said to myself, "Why Melis, you must be going soft in your old age. Why only bother one measly poor tortured friend, when you can write about it and torture more at the same time?"

So that's the genius behind this post. I'm gonna share my monthly favorites. Starting with January. Be warned though, this isn't a what's new this month kinda post, it's a what I have enjoyed this month kinda post. So whatever I've just read/watched/ate/wore/see/went etc this past month could have been a hype for centuries, and it may be nothing new whatsoever for you. In that case, allow me to quote some very famous words: "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

Alrightie then. January, since this month isn't yet over. Let me start with books, since that's what I was yakking about in the beginning of this post.

Easy by Tammara Webber

Man oh man, what to say about this one. I can say it saved me from ever hating the romance genre. I was on a streak of crap books when I started reading this, so I didn't get my hopes up about it. Saying it exceeded my expectations is an understatement. Lucas, dear Lucas, may be one of the best book boyfriends there is. Read and fall in love, is all I'm saying. 

Good For You by Tammara Webber

This is actually the 3rd book of Between the Lines series, but I wasn't really a fan of the first two books, so this is the one I recommend. I can't (and don't want to) go into detail explaining what the book is about, unless I'm really really crazy over something, hence the links to Goodreads. Which does synopsising (is that a word?) books far better than I ever could.

The Warlord Wants Forever by Kresley Cole

Alright, Immortals After Dark series, and its similars, where hunky gorgeous supernatural men fall in love and have lots of steamy sex, while continuing to be bad-asses, are my guilty pleasure. But I'm not ashamed to admit whatever book I'm reading and enjoying, so here it is. If that's something you enjoy, this series is hotness (though I've read only 3 books so far).

No doubt, I will be recommending such books in the future, I still look for quality in what I read, and though I do read crap most of the time too (don't these two statements contradict each other?) you would never see me recommend those utter craps that I make myself suffer through (Fifty Shades, anyone? I puked a little in my mouth just saying that).

So put your trust in the lil ol' me. And here I will shamelessly advertise myself, if you wanna be my buddy-buddy in Goodreads, don't hesitate to do so. Here is a link to my profile.

And now on to the movies!

I know I knooow, this has been a hype for months with Globe and Academy nominations and all, so it's hardly anything new. But it was really really good. And that's saying something coming from me because where I completely adore Jennifer Lawrence, I despise Bradley Cooper with passion. And I didn't even care about that in this movie. So for whatever reason if you still haven't seen this (you live under a rock maybe?), just do it! And if you already have, well watch it again.

Actually that's all I can remember from January. It feels like ages ago. Here's to hoping my memory will be better for the February update.

Ta-ta for now!

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