11 Mart 2013 Pazartesi

The Legend of Korra News!! and a bit of Avatar geekiness

Hello hello!

I have news! That may be only news to me! But I'm excited!! Can you tell from the exclamation points?!

Ok ok, so last year there was this amazing sequel to an amazing series. Avatar The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, anyone? Yeah! Though Korra doesn't really compare to the amazingness of Last Airbender, it was still pretty amazing. That last episode is a masterpiece all by itself. But anyway, it ended and I (and friends around me) didn't know if there was gonna be a Book 2. You would know if you've watched it, it ends in a way that could really be the end to the series.

Buut I just found out, there IS a Book 2! There is! It is being made as I type! I should follow the blogs of the creators so I won't be kept in the dark like this again. Tsk me tsk.

And here's a picture from Book 2's color correcting sessions. How badass does Korra look, seriously! Click on the picture and it'll take you to the actual tumblr post of Bryan Konietzko, co-creator of Korra and Last Airbender.

I can't wait, I literally can't!

Because Goodreads decided to be down in just this second I'm typing this post, the Avatar geekiness part will be a little lacking. Anyway, do you read the official comic books of The Last Airbender? There are 3 so far, that tells what happens in between the end of Last Airbender and the beginning of Korra, development of the new republic and all that. The Promise Part 1-2-3 are out, read them if you haven't already! The next issue, which is called The Search, will be out on 20th of March! Less than 10 days!
Here's the cover! It will be about Zuko's search for his mother. An arc about Zuko? Can you wait? Cuz I can't! My inner geek is having a panic attack tonight!

I probably should have put these two in March favorites update, because I still don't have anything for that post, (though I started another book that looks promising), but news can't wait, much like I can't. So there you go, my fellow Avatar lovers..

Let's "can't wait!" till the Book 2 and the new issue.

Over and out.

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